One day, I will have a Home where I walk in bare feet along hardwood boards
allowing the textures of the grain in the wood, the sand scramble along the soles of my feet.
One day, I will have a Home that smells of geranium, sandalwood, frankincense, patchouli and sage and I will glory that my body delights in the fragrances that make me whole.
One day, I will have a Home with wide open windows and spaces and room in between so that I can dance in the sunlight and dust motes.
One day, I will have a Home that calls the sea, the moon and stars here to me! They will each delight in the fractional aspect and make a place there for themselves.
One day, I will have a Home and I will call it Mine, Sanctuary, Haven and only those invited will cross the threshold.
I WILL have a home, filled with laughter and love, where the murmurs of shared secrets and shared burdens will carry each soul through the darkest of nights...
Or days.
I WILL have a Home, garnished in the music of the fur brethren and my Heart Sisters' voices.
I WILL have a Home and I will call it Hiraeth. The stretching and yearning will dissolve into thin air...
Because I will BE Home.

"You have psychic power. You can carry on for others
with joy. You have a receptive nature and may bear burdens for others. You are
pragmatic, thorough, strong-willed, practical and stubborn at times. You are
hard working, often martyr to duty. You like home and security above all. You
are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what
you want and why you want it. Creative and outgoing, you are always looking for
an opportunity to show your abilities, especially before audience. You are very
flexible and likes to feel appreciated. You are looking for chances to mix with
others socially and to communicate his ideas. You like to talk and can easily
relate to different cultures and concepts. The biggest challenge for you is
uncertainty. Easily getting bored, you can move from one job to another, switch
projects and lovers. The high creative force can lead you either to happiness
or unhappiness. If you understand your goals, if you can make major decisions
in life and follow it directly and straight up without worry and uncertainty,
you are able to achieve great heights."
You... in your pink ruffled naivete have no place in what's coming. Better put on your big girl panties and find your inner bitch, cuz it's gonna be a rough ride. Yeah. I sincerely believe that the shit is gonna hit the fan. Don't let the Darkness eat you alive. Because it will. Oh, hell, it will.
We preach compassion and loving and positive thoughts. All of that is going to us get run over like the Coyote trying to bomb the Roadrunner. And it's gonna laugh at each of us just the same. I'm a pacifist, always have been, but enough is enough. I'm sick of being politic, of ignoring the shitstream pissing in my face. Positive thoughts and demeanor have gotten me absolutely NOWHERE. Our world is fucked up and we better batten down the hatches.
The People of this planet seem to think they're entitled to all of this crap... they're armed and dangerous, so you'd better to be ready to roll over and show your belly. You're gonna be dead. We need to heed what's happening here, people. Anyone can make anything a symbol of hate these days and fucking get away with it. Makes me want to puke.
What the fuck? My generation, my parent's generation... back and back... Everyone had to WORK for what they had. You want me to GIVE it to you, when our sacred warriors who have signed their lives on the dotted line don't get squat? Fuck you. Your 20 times over grandparent suffered. So what? So did mine.
You want to draw lines in the sand because of your race, religion or whatever else there is. Again. Fuck you. Why are you doing that??? Why? Because someone in the media or government told you to do so? Are you some freaking sheep to follow a trend or can you think for yourself? Can you??? I'm sick and tired of worrying about my children and my grandchild because YOU can't get your shit together and think for yourself. Lambs go to slaughter in case you didn't know, asshole.
I don't care if you're black, white, latino or asian... You gonna get all ghetto on me? Put a gun to my head? Kill me? Please do. Put me out of my misery from your shit. Someone else with my voice is going to step up and take my place. You've slaughtered education, faith and the planet. You want to play with guns and get pissed about something? Join the fucking military. Get angry about something REAL. Put all of that anger into the REAL stuff that's going on. I freaking DARE you. But, no. You don't have the balls for that. Do you? You'd rather rule your streets and kill others because they don't think like you or walk like you or just because you can. You've got some kind of power. Don't you? Fuck you. You aren't shit. Until you do something that HELPS, you aren't worth the air you breathe.
Mother Nature is PISSED. You've trashed our planet, the only home we've got. You think "reduce, recycle, repair, reuse" is just some tree hugger bull shit? HA! Each of us who don't follow those rules have contributed to what's coming down. Can you even understand what's going on with our blue planet? Oh. Wait a minute. That's goes back to the fact that you've trashed any thoughts of education. All of those babies you're making and throwing away with their moms, they're not gonna have fresh air to breathe or water to drink before you're finished with your wasteful ignorant bull shit. But you aren't smart enough to know that. Are you?
Get pissed that Nature is dying. Get pissed that children are going hungry or people are being abused, left homeless. Get angry because the rich become richer and the poor and middle class can barely scrape by. Become enraged because there are entities like ISIS and the Taliban, because there are those who would still enslave the innocents, torture, rape and kill them for their enjoyment. MAKE A DIFFERENCE or fade away, damn it.
Yeah. I'm talking to YOU, asshole.
Go ahead. Tear down your statues and kill your neighbors. Get pissed about shit that shouldn't matter. Karma works, baby. I hope I'm around to see you get yours.