Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 25th

My house is filthy, but I'm gonna forgive myself... This morning, I got out of bed. My fur babies need far more care than they're getting ATM, but that's okay... they get plenty of snuggles, so I'm gonna forgive myself. The list of things to be done in the Courtyard and on the house grows exponentially... but I made someone laugh today and that's more important... so I forgive myself. I hardly cook anymore, but I can forgive myself because I shared a meal with a dear friend tonight. I think that the key to life is to perhaps be more gentle with ourselves. Perhaps? Not to be lazy, but simply be kind not just to others but to the person we should love the best... Our Self. I'm sure that tomorrow, I'll be all shakycrazyfrightened again because changes are coming to my life. LOL But change is good. If we don't evolve, we stagnate. But I also feel that teachers are coming into my life and I want to embrace that chance to learn and grow. That is the security blanket that I'm going to hold onto. So... tomorrow... remind me!