Sometimes, I have entirely too much fun...
Take Halloween. I don't have any little kids at home. No one has EVER gone trick or treating out where I live. But come by my home and you'll see it decorated to the max (well, as much as I can afford!) with a graveyard and enough ghosts and ghoulies to make the most hardened cynic smile! LOL
What is it about Halloween?
Well, for one thing, it's fun as hell! It seems that all of the other holidays have this set box of options... You can go with the cute... and I SO do NOT do cute... or the elegant. You have certain set colors that are often interchangeable. And all of the other celebrations typically require the exchanging of gifts. All of that adds up to tedious predictability and high stress.
Halloween is the time to go nuts (oops! Sorry... already there!). I suppose a person could do cute... And some of my things border on that. I prefer to consider them odd. But on this particular holiday, I get a chance to thoroughly enjoin my bent-ness! Mwahahahahahaha!!! My husband is even catching my disease. How cool is that???
If I had the money, I would have THAT house. You know, the one that people drive for miles and miles just to experience. I'd have mausoleums and body parts and probably even a haunted house. Have you checked out the price of body parts online??? Holy shit! But next year, I am definitely getting a fog machine at the very least. Kenneth says we still need more ghosts.
For me, Halloween goes something like this... Around October 1st, I drag out my containers of decorations. I always have a surprise or two from post-Halloween shopping the prior year. I get everything out and set it up, then think... Hmmmmmm, something's missing and off to the stores I go.
Oooo oooo ooo Shredded gauzy stuff! I need that. Ghouls!!! I need more. Damn, I only have 6 gravestones. What's with THAT? Wally-world only has the same old, same old. Note to self: check out other stores. Ooo! Walgreen's has some cool ones! Gotta have a black light! What??? No one has any vampires? Gotta find time to make one. Gonna make a witch, too. Yea... I have that cool twisty broom. I can make a witch for that! Buy some stuff to make one, come home, start sculpting the head... Ugly, wicked, simple... Add the wig... What's this??? You aren't supposed to think you're PRETTY!!! Yikes! Laverne is your name? You're a fashionista??? WTF? sigh Okay, okay. Back to the store... Rhinestones, check. False eyelashes, check. BOA??? sigh Check. Four days of back-breaking work later, Laverne is a happy camper flying around my living room on her broom... Wait? You want what??? A cat? Yes, I know that no self-respecting witch goes without a cat, but I can't find a decent black cat anywhere. MAKE one? What the hell do you think I am??? sigh Okaaaaaaaaaay. Back to the store to buy fake fur. Another day spent sewing the whole frigging thing by hand, sculpting eyes and a nose and adding MORE false eyelashes. Are you happy NOW? Finally! Taking a look around, I realize that I'm still missing stuff... More strings of purple lights. Yea, that would be good. Some more lit pumpkins and, oh yeah, a crime scene. Where'd this freaking wind come from??? Damn it!
So, anyway, that's where I am today... Gotta go outside (when it warms up) and resurrect (HA!) my graveyard.
My neighbors are great. This year, they've decided to share their family with me since I have the coolest decorations on the hill. Teeheehee. Once the kiddies have finished trick or treating, they're going to come here and we'll have a small bonfire and roast weinies and make s'mores and have spooky treats. That'll be so much fun! I'm even going to dress up. LOL
But... as I look around, I realize... Something is STILL missing!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you all and come by to see us if you can...
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