Monday, June 29, 2015

Muscle Stress Formula

Posting this here, both to share with y'all and so I don't lose such a thoroughly tested formula.  That said, aromatherapy (for me) isn't just the recipe.  It's the "resting" and smelling, adjusting, trusting my body to recognize what more needs to be added.  I use sweet almond oil as my carrier, about 3oz.  It responds well to friction, heating easily and soaks quickly into the skin.  ALWAYS use a tinted GLASS bottle for your mixes and store them in a cool dark place.

I start with: 
Geranium oil, 20 drops.  It's the "grounding" agent.
Sandalwood 10 drops
Wild Chamomile (pain) 30 drops
Lavender (everything!) 30 drops
The last 3 stimulate the circulatory system and speed healing:
Rosemary 25 drops
Peppermint 15 drops
Juniper Berry 15 drops

Each time you add about 3 or 4 ingredients, put in the stopper, shake well and let it rest, blend.  Once all ingredients are added, repeat the process one last time.  Smell it and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  If one scent seems to overpower the others, add a drop or three of the rest.  Shake, rest and smell.  Repeat until your body says it's done.

I tested and recombined this formula a dozen times or more, using my son's cross country team as willing guinea pigs.  Once the formula was "perfected" they all raved over it and said I was then their official Witch Doctor.  LOL  Great for strained muscles, shin splints and more.

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