I'm a member of that rather grey area that used to be called over-the-hill and is now called the "new 30s"... or is it 40s???... Hell, I don't know. The point is that sex is still a part of the lives of myself and everyone I know (yea, we girls seriously TALK about you men out there, so beware! Mwahahahahaha).
This article is one of many I Googled that discusses the alarming rise of STDs in those 45 and older. Most of the publications cite the cause as the rise in middle age divorce and the ease of online dating (my daughter states unequivocally that the internet is evil. I guess this is an instance in which it might possibly be true). Another reason given is the creation of Viagra and other solutions for ED.
The truly disturbing reason given is ignorance, that no one is discussing these issues with older individuals. Come on! My mother seriously believed that a person got pregnant by French kissing!!! Just because our seniors have done it all that doesn't mean that they necessarily know the hows and whys of everything.
So, read this article or others like it. Then buy your Grandma or Grandpa a copy of "Sex for Dummies" or an "Idiots Guide" or something of that ilk (ignoring the humiliating titles). Give them a chance to SAFELY enjoy the hell out of their later years. Aren't we all happier when we getting laid???
I always wondered why my grandparents never shared a bedroom. Did they know something we don't?
Danny and I also heard about Viagra being studied on women. Saying it may help women with their many problems during sex.
Cool... Unfortunately, the present study is only on PREmenopausal women. That isn't fair! LOL It'll be interesting to see what they find as they delve into the issue.
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