Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mea Maxima Culpa

It amazes me when I think about the context of this post that our country was founded on the concepts of religious freedom and free speech among others. The sentiments I utter here have probably caused me to be villified by some since it isn't accepted by the mainstream. Is it so wrong to question, to follow a path that is still good although not one of popular belief? I don't think so. When did we become a nation of sheep?

I don't criticize anyone's beliefs as long as they a) follow the right-hand path and b) don't try to shove their ideals down my throat. What right has anyone to grant me a lesser position in society because mine are of a different bent?

I'm not a Christian. Shoot me now and get it over with. I don't know exactly WHAT you'd call me... Damned, I suppose, if you are a Christian, but I don't believe that. I suppose that if I must claim a religious dogma, it would be Buddhism.

But you see, I believe that the story of Jesus Christ is only a very small segment of the overall picture. I don't DISbelieve in him. What I disbelieve is that people have any right to define God (I use that name here as it's the most familiar to the most people. I could just as easily say our Maker, our Creator, etc. etc.) and I seriously believe that anything written or translated by humankind is immediately faulty.

What do I believe? I once read a book about the Dalai Lama in which he said something to the effect that if we all would sit down together... the Christians, Jews, Pagans, Buddhists, et al... and simply talk rather than scream our convictions that we'd find we're all after the same things: a life defined by what is good in the context of ourselves, our society, and our world. I feel that's quite true.

I believe that God has brought us individuals throughout history to show us that path in a way we can best understand it at that point in time... Christ, Buddha, Ghandi, and so many many more. I believe the failure in our lives and in our world lie no deeper than the fault within ourselves. We're too busy shouting our righteousness at the top of our lungs to hear the quiet little whisper within our hearts.

I believe that God is Mother, Father, Everything and Nothing. I believe that all of the rules of all of the benevolent religions can be boiled down to the Wiccan Rede, "an it harm none, do what you will". But you have to understand those eight little words to strive towards their full scope.

What constitutes harm? The ten commandments give us lying, stealing, killing, adultery, and more. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We can harm others with an innocuous word at the wrong time. Bet you never thought of that. We harm one another daily by word and deed, action and inaction. Truth is good, but there are times when an uttered truth can cause the greatest damage of all. At times like those, isn't it better to keep silent or, possibly, even prevaricate? This coming from the woman that couldn't even lie about the existence of Santa Claus to her own kids! LOL The point is that verbal harm is a simple thing to employ.

Then there's the thing of how we harm ourselves... I'm not talking about deliberately playing in the traffic. What I mean is that we harm ourselves by not pursuing the best physical conditioning we are capable of, by not eating the foods that are proper for our nourishment (chocolate IS on that list now, right???), by choosing not to educate our minds, by refusing to allow love into our lives regardless of the form that love might take (animal, mineral, vegetable, young, old, male, female, another religion or race), by not seeking to evolve. To quote Jimmy Buffett "I treat my body like a temple, you treat yours like a tent." Mine is somewhere in between... perhaps a well-worn Winnebago? LOL

I believe that we were created then gifted with this wonderful, marvelous world. In return, we either desecrate it or ignore it. We rarely partake. How sad... especially since I believe that this world is our cathedral. Take a step outside and observe the tiniest microcosm of this planet, then the skies above you to begin to understand.

I believe there are GOOD people in this world and that if we strive for the good that heaven will welcome us. This is something I believe to be inarguable... Well, I guess those who don't believe in a heaven would argue. LOL Every established religion is rabid in the belief that those not of their faith will never "see the Light". I can't help but believe they are wrong. The Dalai Lama burn in Hell??? I don't think so!

I can't remember where I got this quote or if it's even accurate as I type it here, but it goes like this... "Once a religion has existed long enough to become established, it ceases to be a matter of faith rather it has become a matter of politics." Yup. Sounds about right to me. I grew up in the Catholic church and have seen that one in action. Next, I expect them to try and cut up my food for me since they seem to believe they have the right to rule so much of my life and everyone else's.

I don't believe it really matters what we call ourselves... Christian, Pagan, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist... In the end, those are simply words. Nor do I feel it's important what name we use for the Supreme Being that watches over us all as long as we accept that Goodness into our hearts. What I DO believe is important is that we walk gently upon this earth and live a life that strives towards compassion, wisdom, and love... that we cease to judge others no matter what yardstick we use and that we behave with honor.

So, am I damned? I don't think I am, but there's only one way to find out and I'm not ready for that yet. Perhaps many eastern religions are correct in that we keep coming back until we get it right. That'd be nice since I've made some serious fuck-ups in my life. What is more important is that we have faith over religion and that we learn to listen and heed the whisper of God within us. It won't let us down. My faith is deep. I just hope to hell it's on the right track! LOL

"But Marge, what if we chose the wrong religion? Each week we just make God madder and madder." Homer Simpson

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