Monday, February 20, 2017


February 20, 2017


Would you stand by me?
Stand against others for me?
Would you put me first in this chaos that is life?
Would you listen to my heart as it dances...
or falls?
Would you hold my hand
so that I might not fall as well
over the tumbly stumbly bits?
Would you embrace the Dark
pieces of who I am?
Would you cry with me?
Sob through the pain that is 
beyond description?
Would you hear me
when my mind flows across the river
of my disjointed thoughts and dreams?
Would you put your hand upon my shoulder
or allow it to cradle my cheek
simply to let me know that I'm not alone?
Would you sit close by me in the silence or
through the unending discourse 
and laughter that spills up
from our toes?
Or stand quietly apart so I can feel the spaces
Would you hearken the wisdom in the winds
and the heartbeat of the waves?
Would you help me find
those precious moments in time
that exist between one breath 
and the next?
Would you find the music in the stars?
Would you be my friend?

Can you be that person 
who asks for nothing more than can be given?
Can you dance to the chorus
that is silent?
Can you understand the scars and stitches and bruises
that lie within without curving and dissecting
through who I am?
Can you honor my weakness  as well as my strength?
Will you hold me up when I can no longer stand?
Is it okay that I sometimes crumble?
Does that make me any less in your eyes
in those days, hours, months
when I no longer want to be?
Will you help me smooth things, heal things 
when the broken edges overcome me?
I stand in the fringes, on the periphery
of the city.
No one really sees me.
I was made to move in and out of others' lives
so that they might heal or learn or stand strong.
I was made to in some time say goodbye.
I grow weary.
Would you say hello
and please stay?

by Roxanne Montgomery